Liouville theory

Liouville theory is an interacting 2d CFT with a continuous spectrum of scalar states.

Bootstrap Picture

Let us start by assuming that we have a unitary theory with $c>1$. We must also assume that all Virasoro primaries are scalar fields: with these assumptions, the theory is entirely fixed.

Consider the torus partition function

\begin{align} Z(\tau, \bar \tau) = \sum_{h, \bar h} d_{h, \bar h} \chi_h(\tau) \bar{\chi}_{\bar h}(\bar \tau) \end{align}

Now $c>1$ implies that there are no null descendents, so the Virasoro characters in the partition function take the form

\begin{align} \chi_h(\tau) = q^{h - c/24} \prod_{n = 1} \frac{1}{1 - q^n}, \qquad q = e^{2 \pi i \tau} \end{align}

The weights $h$ and $\bar h$ define the scaling dimension $\Delta = h + \bar h$ and the spin $l = h - \bar h$. The assumption that all primaries are scalars means that we only need sum over $\Delta$. Therefore the partition function may be written as

\begin{align} Z(\tau, \bar \tau) = \frac{1}{|\eta(\tau)|^2} \sum_{\Delta} d(\Delta) e^{-2 \pi \tau_2 ( \Delta - \Delta_* )} \end{align}

where $\tau_2 = \text{Im}(\tau)$, $\eta(\tau) = q^{1/24} \prod_{n = 1} (1 - q^n)$ is the Dedekind eta function, and we've defined $\Delta_* = (c - 1)/12$ for convenience.

Modular Invariance and the Spectrum

Now we will see how the spectrum is fixed by modular invariance. Modular invariance takes the form of the requirement that

\begin{align} Z(\tau, \bar \tau) = Z(\tau + 1, \bar \tau + 1) = Z\left( -\frac{1}{\tau}, -\frac{1}{\bar \tau} \right) \end{align}

The first equation is a periodicity requirement that implies all spins must be integers; this is already satisfied. The second one implies

\begin{align} \sqrt{\tau_2} \sum_\Delta d(\Delta) e^{-2 \pi \tau_2 (\Delta - \Delta_*)} = \frac{ \sqrt{\tau_2} }{|\tau|} \sum_\Delta d(\Delta) e^{-2 \pi \frac{\tau_2}{|\tau|^2} (\Delta - \Delta_*)} \end{align}

Now we need a trick. This equation is essentially $f(x) = f(x/y)$. Because $y$ is independent of $x$, the only solution is $f(x) = \text{constant}$. As a result, we have

\begin{align} \sum_{\Delta} d(\Delta) e^{-2 \pi \tau_2 (\Delta - \Delta_*)} \sim \tau_2^{-1/2} \end{align}

This requirement is not possible with a discrete spectrum. So we all $d(\Delta)$ to be continuous, and modular invariance will be satisfied if

\begin{align} d(\Delta) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{\Delta - \Delta_\star}} \end{align}

At this point, it is customary to change variables. We define the charge $Q$ and the momentum $P$ by1)

\begin{align} \Delta = \frac{Q^2}{2} + 2 P^2 \, , \qquad c = 1 + 6 Q^2 \end{align}

With this normalization, $\sum d(\Delta) \to 2 \sqrt{2} \int d P$, so we find the distribution of states in uniform in $P$ for $P>0$.

Crossing Invariance and the OPE Coefficients

Having fixed the kinematics using modular invariance, we would like to fix the dynamics using crossing symmetry. First, we choose to normalize the two point functions by \begin{align} \langle V_{P_1}(z_1) V_{P_2}(z_2) \rangle = \frac{\delta(P_1 - P_2)}{ |z_{12}|^{4 \Delta}} \end{align}

The three-point functions are fixed by conformal symmetry to be

\begin{align} \langle V_{P_1}(z_1) V_{P_2}(z_2) V_{P_3}(z_3) \rangle = \frac{C_{P_1, P_2, P_3}}{|z_{12}|^{2(\Delta_3 - \Delta_1 - \Delta_2)} |z_{23}|^{2(\Delta_1 - \Delta_2 - \Delta_3)} |z_{31}|^{2(\Delta_2 - \Delta_3 - \Delta_1)}} \, , \end{align}

up to their structure constants ${C_{P_1, P_2, P_3}}$. The coefficients are subject to a consistency condition in the form of the crossing equation. This takes the form

\begin{align} &\int_0^{\infty} dP \, C(P_1, P_2, P) \, C(P_3, P_4, P) \, |\mathcal{F}(P_1, P_2, P_3, P_4, P, z)|^2 \\ & \quad = \int_0^{\infty} dP \, C(P_1, P_4, P) \, C(P_2, P_3, P) \, |\mathcal{F}(P_1, P_4, P_3, P_2, P, z)|^2 \, . \end{align}

The integral is over all internal states, which have momentum $P$. The functions $\mathcal{F}$ are the Virasoro conformal blocks. The Liouville theory will only be consistent if there exists a function $C(P_1, P_2, P_3)$ which satisfies this equation for all values of the external momenta $P_i$.

It was shown by Dorn and Otto, and independently by Zamolodchikov and Zamolodchikov, that there do exist solutions. This is known as the DOZZ formula, and takes the form

\begin{align} C_{P_1, P_2, P_3} = \frac{\mu^{-Q/2} \Upsilon'_b(0)}{\Upsilon_b\left(\frac{Q}{2} + i (P_1 + P_2 + P_3)\right)} \prod_{j = 1}^3 \frac{\sqrt{\Upsilon_b(2 i P_j)\Upsilon_b(-2 i P_j)}}{\Upsilon_b\left(\frac{Q}{2} + i (P_1 + P_2 + P_3 - 2 P_j)\right)} \end{align}

where the Upsilons are defined by

\begin{align} \Upsilon_b(x) = \exp\left\{ \int_0^{\infty} \frac{dt}{t} \left[ \left(\frac{Q}{2} + x \right)^2 e^{-t} + \frac{\sinh^2 \left[ \left(\frac{Q}{2} + x \right) \frac{t}{2} \right]}{\sinh \frac{t b}{2} \sinh \frac{t}{2b}} \right] \right\} \, . \end{align}

With this, the theory is fully specified. We see that there is a two-parameter family of solutions, depending on $b$ (which defines $Q$ through $Q = b + b^{-1}$, and $\mu$, which shows up as an overall factor. These may be mapped to the same parameters which appear in the Lagrangian description given above.

Some Remaining questions

  • How is the partition function normalized in a theory with no ground state?

Lagrangian Picture

Alternatively, the theory may be defined through the path integral. This requires an action, which takes the form

\begin{align} S = \frac{1}{4 \pi} \int d^2 x (\partial_a \phi \partial^a \phi + 4 \pi \mu e^{2 b \phi} ) \end{align}

$\phi$ is called the Liouville field. The equations of motion which result from this theory are

\begin{align} \Box \phi = - 4 \pi \mu b e^{2 b \phi} \end{align}

This is equivalent to Liouville's equation, which is the source of the theory's name.

It is instructive to consider the wavefunction of states which ``scatter“ off the potential barrier $V(\phi)$. This takes the form

\begin{align} \Psi_P(\phi) \sim e^{2 i P \phi} + R(P) e^{-2 i P \phi} \end{align}

Here $R(P)$ is the reflection amplitude for incoming plane-waves with momentum $P$, and may be computed from the equation of motion. The wave functions $\Psi$ describe the states which map to the Virarsoro primaries of Liouville theory under the state-operator correspondence.

sometimes this is defined with $-P^2$, instead of $+P^2$, so that $P \in i \mathbb{R}$